Upstart Crows


Young Actors Producing

Their Own Theater

The Upstart Crows formed in the summer of 2013 when a group of young actors came together to produce a modern dress production of Hamlet. Managing every aspect of their creation, and then getting an enthusiastic response from audiences, was so satisfying and enjoyable that the group was inspired to move forward as a company. The Crows became a place where young actors could be in charge– they could direct and act in the plays that interested them, and produce them in the style that they envisioned.


From the beginning, the philosophy of the Upstart Crows has been for the youth of the company to take charge. All creative decisions are in the hands of the actors. The director, who is one of the company, casts the play and recruits a production team from the company. Experienced members mentor those who are interested in stage management, lighting and set design and other aspects of stagecraft. Rehearsals are collaborative and everyone involved is invited to give their thoughts and input. This egalitarian approach to theater results in productions that are a joy for the actors as well as their audience.

Comments from the Community


“Before the curtain lifted, I was impressed to see that the company employed a 16 year old director! As the
play commenced I was further impressed to see the
wide range of ages of the players and how well they
all performed; there was not a weak player in the bunch. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.”



“What an education in literature – without even realizing the background this experience is
giving them!”



“One of the things that I think is incredibly beneficial about the Crows is that the young adults involved in
the plays are learning so much about history, from
the Elizabethan Age to the Edwardian Age to World War II and more.”



“My wife and I attended the opening night performance. I could not have been more impressed... What the Upstart Crows have done as a theater
company in so short a period of time is nothing
short of remarkable.”

Photo credits: Monika Blazs, Caryl Farkas, Bonnie
 Margulis, amd Shadow Productions, LLC

Updates, videos and more on Facebook.